At What Point Will You Finally Understand That No Means NO?
At what point do we begin to take “no” seriously? The first time, when it’s just a kiss? When she’s pushing you away? When you realize you have to force her to stay still? Never?
At what point do we begin to take “no” seriously? The first time, when it’s just a kiss? When she’s pushing you away? When you realize you have to force her to stay still? Never?
You are worth fighting for, and the right person will continue to fight for you every single day.
The ideas I had about love were based on outdated fairy tales, but you showed me that a fairy tale can be whatever I want it to be.
The earliest memory I have is of the day you left. I was four.
Don’t blame some innocent girl when the guilty party is the guy standing next to her.
I am never having sex again after this.