I’m Finally Realizing I Don’t Have To Worry What You Think Of Me
When I stopped caring what others thought, my life fell into place.
When I stopped caring what others thought, my life fell into place.
You can make new friends, in a new city, and live a life so full that you don’t miss your past. You’re allowed to be happy.
Taylor Swift is every person who has been made a fool. She is every person who has been wronged. Because sometimes you try to be the better person, but people just don’t give you a break.
But stop acting like you’re entitled to love. Like you deserve it.
You reread every text message five times. You look at old messages. You never know what to say.
You worry about your future. You worry about your parents. You worry about anything and everything. But worrying means you care.
There is no timeline to your life. You may think you should be at a certain place, but truth is, we rarely follow these plans.
Only the good die young is what they say. I don’t think anything could be more truthful.
A mistake is a lesson learned.
It’s devastating, and I still feel sick thinking about it. Something like that you don’t just “get over.”