Breaking Up With My Compulsions

My compulsions were an unhealthy relationship creating imbalance in my universe. This perceived coping skill was really a self-destructive behavior.

When You Come Across A Wounded Animal

I too have been a wounded animal. I am here today at this point in my recovery because I did what I had to in order to heal. I stopped attacking those who reached out to me. I accepted responsibility for the role I played in getting wounded.

An Open Letter To My Unexpected Abuser

I know only a vague concept of the past hurts you have experienced and the wounds that never fully healed because of it, but I was not the one who actually hurt you.

When Grief Disrupts Order

I love order, I need order, I crave order, yet I cannot always have order in my life. Grief reminds me of that.

The Truth About ‘Negative Coping Skills’

I dress up my self-destructive behaviors all fancy in an effort to masquerade them around as an attempt to cope with my challenges, the justification being simply that a negative coping skill is still a coping skill, so what’s the real harm in the end?