There’s No Algorithm For Love, It Just Happens

So even from its birth, and actually before that, love is not something that fits a template. In today’s world, it can pop up like a zit, or you can seek it out like Diet Cherry Pepsi in the grocery store. It cannot be tamed, it cannot be predicted. It will continue on this way, slipping you up like an invisible wet spot on the floor.

27 Things All Foodies Understand

You wake up and immediately consider what you’ll have for breakfast. When breakfast is over, you start daydreaming about lunch. And so on.

14 Typically Embarrassing Things We Should Actually Embrace

Wearing cozy (but ugly) clothing. When I wear my robe and fleece polar bear pants into the grocery store, people stare. And what’s the deal with people shaming granny panties? It’s stupid. Being comfortable isn’t a crime; it’s a luxury to be enjoyed.

Let’s Corrupt Our Children

Let’s do it. Let’s corrupt our children. Let’s make them insecure, judgmental and brain dead. Let’s make them believe, above all else, in the power of things. We’ve been doing it for years.