This Is Your Story—Own It

This is your story. You are allowed to make mistakes, to erase pieces and rewrite them, to fall down and fail and start completely over with a page turn. You are allowed to love the wrong people and learn painful lessons. You are allowed to decide which faith you want to have, or none at all. You are allowed to kiss, to smile, to laugh, to forgive, to hope.

I Want A City Kind Of Love

I want a city kind of love. The kind of love that never stops moving, that’s alive and pulsing with rhythm and energy.

What I Mean When I Say, ‘I Love You’

What I mean when I say, ‘I love you.’ Is that I cannot imagine a life that exists without your arms interlocked with mine, or my lips kissing a mouth that is not yours.

Loving You Is The Only Plan I Have

I thought about how wildly beautiful it is that we were once just strangers, wandering around this earth without the taste of each other’s names on our tongues. How life simply happens, love simply happens. Especially when we’re not looking.