You Should Let Yourself Get Lost Every Now And Again
Life has a tendency to throw some pretty incredible sights and happenings our way. If we look up from our screens, we might just stand to catch a hint of more of ‘em.
Life has a tendency to throw some pretty incredible sights and happenings our way. If we look up from our screens, we might just stand to catch a hint of more of ‘em.
There’s not a thing you can do about the fact that you don’t know each other though, and it seems as if you’ll be left to staring with an audacious, hypnotized gaze pointed towards her direction dreaming of a life lived together that never was to begin with — unless you do something about it.
Sure, we have those mornings where we might wake up, and for whatever reason things that didn’t trouble us the night before trouble us to a borderline unbearably constrictive degree, and well, it all kind of weighs a ton — but only if we let it though.
Because it could be better, that’s why. You could get to know each other outside of the bedroom; you could ask her how her day was. Hell, you could go as far as to ask what she’s studying, and why she might be studying that particular field.
Books that’ll take us on a ride where we might learn how to feel again, or how to long for love again, or how to sound just a little bit more articulate with the implementation of a fanciful word or two.
Maybe you’re reading this as someone who is in a relationship, maybe you just got out of one or into one, maybe you hate the idea of givin’ someone out there a key to the edifice of your very soul because of all the vulnerability that’d demand. What if that person left you? Then what do you do?
They mold a life of overwhelming absurdity for fear of living one of minimal simplicity, and they’re mad for all of it. They inspire the creatures of habit to do away with their shackles of routine every now and again, and instead adopt a life immeasurable in its spontaneity.
The way I see it, so long as we’re getting out there and learning from what didn’t go right the first time around, we’re only helping ourselves through gaining the knowledge and wisdom that can be passed onto others.
Coffee will take from me money I could’ve used for ‘more important things’ like meals, and I’ll helplessly feed into this cycle because, it’s a price (quite literally) that I’m willing to pay.
“I want to lay back, arms extended overhead, windswept fried fish smells with dried dusty grass – and gaze up at a barren, blackened, canvas.”