A Tale Of Being Roasted, Then Ghosted, All In Two Dates
Meanwhile, the next day I’m in Chicago and I can tell he’s different, because like INTUITION.
Meanwhile, the next day I’m in Chicago and I can tell he’s different, because like INTUITION.
We all deserve at least one great love in our lives. Don’t lose out on yours.
Your twenties are a time of going new places, seeing, and trying new things.
Never let them go.
This may sound like a Buzzfeed list of “How To Tell If Someone Is A Millennial” but hey, most of us millennials are depressed as fuck too and have no one to talk with about it.
There has to come a moment in which you ask yourself “what is holding on to this doing for me? Am I protecting myself, or hindering myself from moving forward?
You live, you learn.