Maybe Our Hearts Aren’t Breakable, Just Flexible
Perhaps that’s how we make room for love, light, happiness, and joy. Perhaps that’s how we make a home in our heart for all the people that we love.
Perhaps that’s how we make room for love, light, happiness, and joy. Perhaps that’s how we make a home in our heart for all the people that we love.
Social media isn’t going anywhere – it’s here to stay. It’s part of our society, it’s part of businesses, and government, and schools.
Remember: it is your story, and the pages are there for your words.
Perhaps one of the greatest lessons that has come from Game of Thrones is that if fighting for your dreams means hurting innocent people, then you might want to reorganize your game plan.
Believe in the goodness of people.
You were built to grow, to bloom, to blossom and to flourish.
It’s about showing up at that table, every Sunday.
Those creases, and folds, and crevices are gifts from the universe – marks and reminders of a love that makes your heart swell and expand, and grow bigger than you ever had anticipated.
Pay it forward to the world and the people around you.
If you’re constantly looking back, how can you stay in the present and move towards the future?