What Is The Language Of Your Heart?
Maybe it’s hearing the words, “I love you.” Maybe you know that they love you, but you want to hear it.
Maybe it’s hearing the words, “I love you.” Maybe you know that they love you, but you want to hear it.
I’m not telling you to quit the job you have at the moment, but there’s no harm in following the light of the flame that makes your purpose clear.
And you know you’re exactly where you are supposed to be, and that you’re doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing – because you can see it.
Seven years ago, I would’ve told you that it’s okay to own what you want.
You’re not alone.
Time keeps on going no matter how tired we are, and our plates and calendars only get more full as we get older – you have to take the time to see the people and places you love.
Let yourself lean.
You are not who you were yesterday, and that is a beautiful thing.
When we share a piece of ourselves that the world cannot see, we’re creating a space to learn, a space where the things we cannot see can grow.
When the world feels like it’s crashing down around you, I hope you know that you are loved.