Israeli Ad Agency Puts Out Video Job Offer For Woman Who Quit Her Job Dancing To Kanye’s Gone
Will she/did she/has she taken the job?
Will she/did she/has she taken the job?
Remember that sweet video of Marina quitting her job through interpretive dance to Kanye West’s Gone? Well, her former employer just put up a video in response.
Here’s a little video for some Friday funnies!
Kanye flipped out on Jimmy Kimmel over Twitter (and over the phone, supposedly).
Look at the cat looking at the television, looking at the cat.
I too, now believe I can fly.
The baby is having the time of her life.
It’s about that time in the week where you’ve taken your shoes off and lounging in your office chair in socks.
Ain’t there nothing cuter than a dog video!
“Why? Why are we paying money to these fools? For this nonsense? These aren’t relevant to anything.”