10 Fascinating Facts About Feces
It is still in use today as a facial toner and moisturizer, notably by the world’s most respected couple, the Beckhams.
It is still in use today as a facial toner and moisturizer, notably by the world’s most respected couple, the Beckhams.
I will never drink Blue Moon again after hearing “Ho Hey” in that stupid watercolor TV ad.
In no particular order.
Growing up is an infinite process and continues until we die. Things of ultimately trivial significance can influence us depending on the importance we attach to them.
He didn’t know complacency. Complacency and I know each other well, but I hate it. I want it gone.
I want to feel giddy and confused and a bit overwhelmed as often as possible. I want to know that every day is going to provide me with something fascinating, be it Saturday or Tuesday.