Why I Will March In Washington DC And Speak Out For Other ‘Nasty Women’
Like many other women in this country, the election of Donald Trump left me feeling like refugee in my own country.
Like many other women in this country, the election of Donald Trump left me feeling like refugee in my own country.
These are things that men used to do in past eras—behaviors that I wish the men of my generation would adopt today.
I’m not the only one. There are millions of fucked-up men in the world and even more fucked-up women out there ready to fall for them.
The truth is, adult break-ups just suck. They really, really do. They feel far shittier than any other type of relationship ending a girl experiences in her youth or early twenties.
It will begin by rushing to work.
2. Go on a vacation with your boyfriend and force him to take 400 selfies with you.