Maybe We Don’t Always Get The Goodbyes We Deserve
I didn’t get the goodbye I wanted.
I didn’t get the goodbye I wanted.
Nobody teaches you how to deal with grief because dealing with grief is something that cannot be taught, because not a single one of us are the same.
She’s not even the girl that’s going to reply to that “I miss you” text you send her months later when you’ve realized she’s the only one for you, the only one you truly want in life, because she is finally done fighting for someone who didn’t fight for her.
“Think, think of something else, anything else but him.”
Maybe one day we’ll realize we can’t live without each other and we will give it another shot or maybe one day the lost does come back and maybe that’s the day I finally don’t answer.
But letting go and moving on is not about controlling the waves that come over you, let them come, because they will.