This Week’s ‘Community’ Recap: Paranormal Parentage
“Why would you put onions on a burger when I specifically said not to?! I thought you said I could have it my way?!”
“Why would you put onions on a burger when I specifically said not to?! I thought you said I could have it my way?!”
Would the show lose its heart? Would it become a shell of its former self?
I’m a bit of a renaissance man.
Well, not everybody can be fake unless you’re one of those annoying people in grad school who thinks that everyone who adheres to a capitalistic society is “fake,” in which case go back to the Nietzsche, dude.
Yesterday Deadspin reported that Manti Te’o’s girlfriend, (Lennay Kekua is her name) the one who died? She didn’t exist.
Even at the things you’d think airports would be good for, like people-watching; they aren’t event good for that.
It sucks knowing that my face, of which I have only one, could be taken and used in an advertising, used to sell guns maybe, or as the “before” picture in an advertisement for acne medication.
I was always good at the lighter stuff. The feature stories. But after a month, the editors needed writers, and they liked me enough to start giving me some hard-hitting stuff.
“If I knew they were going to buy food with it, I’d totally give them money, you know?”
Sasha Dingle