Where Is Safe?

The coverage was epically confusing. Was someone still in there holding hostages? Were people dead? Why were the security cameras shot out? What reality was hiding inside the mall?

Say Goodbye To Wrestlemania

To say goodbye to NJ, I decided to do something that I’ll probably only get to do once in my life. I went to Wrestlemania 29 at Metlife Stadium along with 82,000 other people.

Sometimes, New Jersey

As far as I ever went, and as much as I tried to redefine home, I couldn’t escape it. I would lie and tell people I was from New York City …but some naivety gave it away. I hadn’t been hardened by the city. I was a huge, soft, New Jersey cookie…

The Master Complex

The film is The Master and the crowd’s reaction to this fall’s current critical darling is, in fact, not mixed. It is overwhelmingly negative.

Pop Punk Is Not Dead

Then it happened: The fourth album that was rocked by critics and fans alike. Folie a Deux contained elements of soul, power-pop and pop-punk. Yet, with such a fervent online following, and fans who treated their early work as gospel, the heat came harshly and often. Countless blog posts wondered “What Happened to Fall Out Boy?”

Why We Blog

The quest for permanence is what makes us tweet the set list right after the show. It causes us to announce every movie we watch, book we read, and to instantly review everything. Little by little, the camera in our brain and the pictures stored in our body’s memory have become antiquated.

Why We Still Need Superheroes

There is humanity in each superhero story, even the most fantastic. We want to see ourselves in the panels, in the comics. We want them to fight battles that are too outrageous to totally understand — battles that make our daily struggles feel like nothing at all.

Professional Wrestling Has Lost Its Edge

Professional wrestling taught me how to swear and give the finger; it was a reason to get together one Sunday a month with ten of my best friends to watch the pay-per-views. It was the reason girls didn’t talk to us and our parents thought we were just “boys being boys” …it was the cure to ADD before medication.