The song’s lyrics are a love letter to the lower parts of the male form, culminating in its chorus’ snappiest one-liner: “What’s your zipper code?” The song is catchier than herpes.
The song’s lyrics are a love letter to the lower parts of the male form, culminating in its chorus’ snappiest one-liner: “What’s your zipper code?” The song is catchier than herpes.
Russell Brand calls Mika Brzezinski a “shaft grabber” and instructs her to take off her wedding ring while stroking one’s water bottle. There’s something for everyone.
But where are the lesbian spaces? In recent years, many queer and lesbi-friendly bars have closed up shop in Chicago, including T’s, which abruptly announced closure in March.
Henry Cavill, welcome to America’s collective spank bank. You’ve arrived.
1. January.
7. The drive thru at Big Star.
Although everyone has written about the rise of “mommy porn,” few have written about the role erotica plays in readers’ lives—or the utility of sexual discourse.
Like a child who throws a tantrum to get their parents’ attention, Bynes knows that the weirder she acts, the more people tune in.
There’s more to the story; there’s a dark side to equality.
10. He never asks you back to his place because the coffin is too small.