The Public Slut Shaming Of Kristen Stewart = Not OK
Part of the reason that Robsten doesn’t matter to me, however, is that I am not a young woman today, and I’m glad that I’m not.
Part of the reason that Robsten doesn’t matter to me, however, is that I am not a young woman today, and I’m glad that I’m not.
How many friends do you have who are holding out for the “the girl of their dreams” or “the perfect guy,” like Alicia Silverstone in Clueless? The folks who are always single because no one is ever good enough, “at their level” or “get” them, who seem to find something irreparably wrong with everyone they date?
To illustrate how bad things still are, I would first like to remind everyone that Congress has an approval rating on par with Paris Hilton (13 percent), pornography (30 percent), polygamy (11 percent), Nixon (23 percent), the BP oil spill (16 percent), the banks (23 percent) and “America going Communist” (11 percent).
They “forget” to invite you to major events all the time, like their sister’s wedding or their mom’s funeral, and their sister has to be the one who invites you instead.
I still have a hard time coloring inside of the lines in coloring books, except that now I can say it’s “artistic.”
I used to blame myself for this, as I used to blame myself for a lot of things. But today, I’m going to start holding somebody else accountable.
At 24, it seems uncool to be into romance, as if the idea of commitment automatically ended with you living in the suburbs with your children Subaru, Forrester and Grand Cherokee and becoming a Facebook baby factory.
He knows Dad and I don’t speak or don’t speak often. We speak when we have to, at family functions or funerals or weddings, but my little brother doesn’t know why. I wish I could say I didn’t know anymore, but I do. I don’t think my father knows anymore, and that’s the problem.
Notorious B.I.G., Allen Ginsberg, Princess Diana and Jeff Buckley have all been dead for 15 years. Thuy Trang, who played the yellow Power Ranger, has been dead for over a decade, as has Aaliyah.
I want a love that believes in my dreams and that is always making up new dreams with me, dreams we swear we will start living out tomorrow after the hangover ends.