Why Stop At Ice Water? Just Make Everything You Do An Awareness Campaign.
Why don’t we write off all of our dumb shit as noble endeavors?
Why don’t we write off all of our dumb shit as noble endeavors?
Check out this chart to see what else you have in common with a famous historical figure or celebrity beyond your immense intellect and capability.
There’s a misconception that a human can’t love an animal as much as another loves their own child.
Last night, Tony Stewart, a hot-headed NASCAR driver with emotional problems, ran over a colleague in a race in upstate NY. The young man he hit, Kevin Ward Jr., sadly passed away due to the injuries he sustained after being mowed down by Tony Stewart’s number 69 superfast cool-guy car, brought to you by Tide and Raytheon.
Andy is in in turtle jail for murdering his wife.
It looks like something’s going on in his pants.
Charity is more often than not, an entirely selfish endeavor.
“You shouldn’t smoke near your child.”
It seems the funnyman has become the butt of many jokes after posting a picture of man on the NY subway without realizing who the man actually was.
In a world where American children are at an extremely high risk of being bullied to the point of suicide, becoming victims of sexual assault, or catching the Ebola virus, parents need to exercise extra caution and panic.