A Guide To The Ukrainian Conflict For Thought Catalog Readers
So last night I went out with a couple of friends for some drinks. I’m usually the smartest one in the…
So last night I went out with a couple of friends for some drinks. I’m usually the smartest one in the…
Boon Swaggler.
The number one problem with allowing homosexuals in professional sports is that they will inevitably make all the other players gay by sharing water fountains and locker rooms.
I love being empowered. I love to empower myself, and find power from external sources like advertisements and memes.
Gracefully accept your position in life and know that if you don’t step on anyone’s toes, and don’t act up, someday, you might be able to afford yourself a better situation.
We don’t wipe, because to wipe would be to wash away our identities.
Though James is known for being a poor writer, this piece was particularly insular and completely ignored the fact that Shia’s rebellious theft doesn’t hurt “the industry” at all, only the people he stole from.
Think about it, if the protesters would just say that they were gay, instantly everyone on Twitter would support them.
Everyone Congratulate Me!
You see, it’s pretty well known in the entertainment industry that Shia LeBeouf has been killed and reanimated several times over the past fifteen years.