What Death Teaches You

You start to realize, in the least negative way, that nothing really matters in life – nothing except the people you love; not your phone, your shoes, your new picture frame from Anthropologie, your job title, your Snapchat streak – none of it.

The Pressure Of Valentine’s Day

Sure, love is love and your normal may not be my normal but on Valentine’s Day, it seems like all rational thought goes out the window.

Why Dick Pictures Are A Form Of Virtual Sexual Assault

Call me a man hating asshole if you want, I don’t care because I know I’m not one. What I do know is I’m a feminist who believes in equality and I would never send unrequested pictures of my genitals around.

9 Reasons Why Summer Actually Sucks

What’s the point of contouring if it’s just going to drip down my face? On those days where the humidity is booming and the sun is shining, I look like a parody YouTube makeup tutorial.