Can We Please Stop Slut-Shaming Monica Lewinsky Now?

The staggering level of public disgust with Lewinsky speaks volumes about how uncomfortable we are talking about sex and power, and just how comfortable we are judging, shaming and attempting to silence others.

5 Ways Hoarders Think Differently Than Non-Hoarders

I do actually give things away, which is my preferred way of purging possessions. I hate throwing them directly in the garbage; it makes me feel guilty and wasteful, whereas if I donate clothes to Goodwill or books to a charity bookstore like Housing Works, I feel okay about it.

What Is Kale?

“What is kale?” The question is left as a comment on my Facebook wall after I post a photo of a sign from one of my favorite restaurants, Westville, touting one of my favorite green leafy vegetables on its outdoor bulletin board. At first I think it’s an ironic query, but the more I ponder it, the more I realize it’s sincere.