This Is Me Giving You A Giant Piece Of My Heart
This is me choosing you. This is me putting you first and giving you my undivided attention. This is me getting over all the old games and the meaningless flings and being real with you.
This is me choosing you. This is me putting you first and giving you my undivided attention. This is me getting over all the old games and the meaningless flings and being real with you.
Forget for a second that your heart was ever broken and love like you’re fifteen again with the same passion, with the same innocence, with the same purity and the same hope.
I think this is the part where I delete your number and unfollow you and erase everything that has your name on it because you’ve taken up so much space, so much time, so much energy and so much pain.
You can always heal when you remember that you’re not hard to love, you just fell for people who couldn’t understand you and people who were incapable of loving anyone — not just you.
Maybe being whole is just an illusion we created to escape the chains of the demons we have to face when we open up to someone or let them in.
My friends do everything you’re not doing but I still can’t help but wonder what it would be like to run to you. To count on you. To hold you. To have you as my main source of comfort. To have you as my best friend.
I’m glad you told me I was nothing because that made me want to be everything.
I wish there was a way to mend all the broken pieces before you.
We’re tired of people who use the work we’re not proud of to judge us.
Because at the end of the day this is just one chapter in my book. It’s only a few pages from a thousand of pages. It’s a continuation of a previous chapter or an introduction to a new one. It’s just one chapter and I’m ready to finish it.