It’s Okay To Not Be Over Your Past
We need the past.
We need the past.
We cling to the people who give us attention. We cling even harder to the people who give us the attention then cruelly snatch it away.
You are always changing and circumstances are always changing – your plan for the next five years is merely a guideline.
You don’t have to admit it, but that person changed you. For better or for worse, they taught you more about yourself than you would have ever learned on your own.
Taking that hand does not admit weakness, it shows strength. You have the ability to trust someone with things that you previously only trusted yourself with.
The weirdness that occurs when the check comes can tell you A LOT about how the date went.
I understand that it’s silly to put that much weight into social media; to let Instagram posts and Facebook statuses impact you. But that’s what a break up is, it hurts and it impacts you and it weighs on your life.