20 Reasons I’m Never Having Kids

I want to have a life. What if I want to take a weekend excursion to Vegas with my only intelligent friend, who, like me, decided to forgo the ‘I want children’ phase of her life? No one is going to volunteer to care for my kid because, being a spawn of myself, it will be a beast. Plus, it will already be hard enough to get someone to watch my 6 cats, each of which will be acquired for every time I start to think, “maybe I should have kids….”

The Dance Floor Assault

It’s been a stressful week. You have one thought on your mind—just dance, gonna be okay! You traipse through a repulsive mess of sweaty bodies. You ignore the girl being penetrated through her jeans by the dude she just met who is now driving his pelvis full force into her ass while she clings tightly to the stage… Okay, let’s be realistic, no one ignores that.