Chris Hadfield On How To Overcome Fear
He was installing Canadarm 2 – the robotic arm that would build the International Space Station (ISS) –when droplets of water began floating around inside his helmet.
He was installing Canadarm 2 – the robotic arm that would build the International Space Station (ISS) –when droplets of water began floating around inside his helmet.
Everyone knows change is hard. But what’s even harder is making change stick.
“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.”
And all you need is five minutes a day.
Your biggest mistake is never making mistakes, so fail fast and fail often.
This year is going to be your year, right?
Regardless of whether you’re dieting or simply want to eat better, committing to a healthy, balanced diet is a keystone habit we can all benefit from.
Have you ever wondered why some people realize their potential while others who are just as talented don’t?
Most of us know we should eat more leafy greens, make time for our friends and family, and get off our laptops. And most of us will even plan to do it.
You have a goal. You want to lose 14 pounds, run a marathon, or write a non-fiction book. But in order to achieve your goal, you need motivation — without it, you cannot start.