10 Ways Your Cleaning Lady Knows You’re Finally Getting Laid
The extra toothbrush gives it away every time.
The extra toothbrush gives it away every time.
Spending the day in your pajamas can be relaxing, but is it worth it if it’s going to have negative, unintended consequences on your relationship?
I’ve been sucked into the list-writing phenomenon. The only problem is I get so many ideas that I don’t have time (and by “don’t have time” I mean “I’m too lazy” ) to write them all.
7. Tara Reid is still alive – If she hasn’t given up yet, neither should you.
5. There is a mutual friends feature. A good reference never hurt anybody!
So it’s happened to the best of us.
3. This position is hurting me, can we try something else?
I work at a high end luxury gym in NYC.
I had been researching the resort for a few months but didn’t commit to going until I reached the other side of a pretty epic bender.
I began to feel extremely guilty that, earlier that day, I had been filming at a charity event whose mission was to end hunger in New York City.