26 Ways To Be Insufferable On Instagram
Always remember that captions are there for a paramount purpose: humble-bragging.
Always remember that captions are there for a paramount purpose: humble-bragging.
So what do I do?
“We’re excited about this opportunity insofar as we’re going to make money to do it. But that’s about the extent of it.”
I don’t know how many dates I’ve been on, but there have been more than enough for me to draw the conclusion that I don’t really like dating all that much.
My hangover went to church once, but it vomited and was promptly asked to leave and never return, a request it has taken very, very seriously.
“Buy me a beer? BUY ME A BEER?! “
Every year, I seem to find myself scrambling for a Halloween costume idea and execution a few days before the holiday.
“Well, I suppose you should be afraid of being alone forever. Think about it: living alone is kind of a dangerous thing. There’s nobody there to protect you or even look out for you.”
Post-Text Anxiety Disorder is a very real struggle. And it can affect anyone. Even you.
Why can we not just agree that upon first meeting, we shake hands?