Turn Down For This: 20 Things For Which I Would Temporarily Sober Up
I’m getting pretty sick of Lil’ Jon’s shit. I don’t really like being told what to do by most people, let…
I’m getting pretty sick of Lil’ Jon’s shit. I don’t really like being told what to do by most people, let…
Boy, I miss the days when I had money to blow on tobacco products.
“So what is it, exactly, that you want?” she asks. Then she jumps right into it. “It seems like for me…
Here are some things you should NOT say if you don’t want to blow it.
There was a time not too long ago when if you weren’t that close with a person and simply did not want them in your life anymore, you could just phase yourself out of their lives without any tangible notification.
I’m not very comfortable or adept at walking up to girls in bars and then beginning a dialogue with them. So instead, I’ve written the following cover letter that I can hand them after tapping them on the shoulder and before scurrying away, giggling.
OH MY GOD. Bailey and I are not friends on Facebook?
I gave Brittnee — the first girl I ever kissed on the mouth — a cheap ass necklace with a heart pendant from K-Mart, I think, and also a Train CD. (She dug “Meet Virginia.”)
Listen to the Bright Eyes’ or Elvis version of “Blue Christmas” one time and one time only. Realize you do not need to listen to depressing holiday music this year. Freak out in a good way.