A Penn State Grad’s Thoughts on Recent Penn State Developments You May Have Heard About

I hope people understand that most Penn Staters contradict the actions of the few who have tarnished the university’s reputation. Most of “us” realize there are more important things than the success of a football team, and that celebrity does not always trump accountability. We’re just as upset as you are, and most of us strive to do more good than bad.

Time’s Running Out: Here Are 10 Halloween Costume Ideas

Every year, I seem to find myself a few days before Halloween in a similar situation as I am in nearly every time I go to a video store. In the time leading up to either, I have so many ideas of what I’d like to dress up as, and what movie I’d like to watch, but when I get to crunch time I fail to capitalize. I crack under the pressure. My mind blanks, and I end up settling.

Why I Think Of One Tree Hill Every Time I Look At My Tattoo

I chose the word “Invictus” for my first tattoo because I genuinely like the poem and thought it’d be super edgy to have something literary embossed on my body. Turns out I’d unknowingly been introduced to my favorite poem by the television series One Tree Hill.

Stuff That Happens When You Cook Naked And A Lesson In Combating Awkwardness

We stood there, this stranger and I, while I held a spatula in my hand and Explosions in the Sky played in the background. It was like Friday Night Lights had transitioned into soft porn. “Oh-my-God-I’m-so-sorry,” the man said, slamming the door before I even had a chance to cover my groin with the spatula.

You Should Consider Dating Me

I won’t send you pictures of my dick while in the restroom or otherwise, even if a photograph supposedly adds 10 pounds. Unless you ask for them, then I may acquiesce, but only after we work past my trust issues.