How I Almost Chose Death Over Stigma Of My Drug Addiction
Most people who struggle with a substance use disorder fail to seek treatment in part because of their concern that they will be labeled an “addict” and that the stigma will stick.
Most people who struggle with a substance use disorder fail to seek treatment in part because of their concern that they will be labeled an “addict” and that the stigma will stick.
It’s important to find peace in knowing that you are doing the right thing and focus on what is within your control.
Reflecting on the past decade, I can now more clearly see the pattern of self-sabotage.
Recovery is possible.
Putting action behind the wanting never came easily. With too much planning and not enough action, I usually failed to execute and experience positive results.
Perfectionism: I’ve never heard of anyone completing recovery–or accomplishing anything in life perfectly.
One of the most challenging parts of entering recovery is that you are forced to face the same painful emotions and challenges, but without the help of drugs and alcohol.
This was a hospital, after all, they couldn’t be bothered by a sick person trying to reduce the harm of his disease.
Most of us sometimes experience negative or painful thoughts when left alone to think. Many people, myself included, like to use this time to beat up on ourselves and practice negative self-thought.
Just say thank you.