Become An Island

At times, life will hand you a giant, stinking bag of shit and as much as you’d like to hand it back and say, “No thanks, babe- you have it,” you won’t be able to.

Painfully In Love

Memories always have a way of being perfectly recalled during times when you wish you could bury them so deep they are dissolved by the magma center of Earth.

The Rage Within Me

No, the tears of those who dare to challenge you are also your nourishment. Don’t be vengeful, be better.

I’m Not Ready To Have A Kid, And That’s OK

I am in no way ready to start raising a child at this moment in time. I can only begin to fathom the amount of responsibility taking care of another life would be. This morning I ate a stale bag of pretzels I found in the backseat of my car for breakfast.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Other People

The world is so fucking confusing and there is no correct path for anyone, so it’s hopeless trying to make sense of your life if the scope of someone else.