After A Lifetime Of Being Tempted By Doubt, Choose Hope
Doubt can be charming. I should know; I’ve spent a lifetime being courted by worries.
Doubt can be charming. I should know; I’ve spent a lifetime being courted by worries.
You will have a choice between standing still or standing tall—despite it all.
Loving yourself isn’t patting yourself on the back at the top while at the same time using that same hand to push yourself even further.
I’ve come to realize that I sometimes try to rush through my emotions, which keeps me stuck.
You see, core values are like your inner compass.
Take in your life for what it is and not what it could be.
You are exactly where you are meant to be, and I don’t just mean figuratively.
You’ve had to curve your plans, adjust your life, twist your outlook, embrace detours, and turn new corners. So, have you given yourself credit for not breaking?
When was the last time you asked yourself how you were feeling?
But I am grateful for them beyond measure, and I don’t think my planning could’ve done it better.