A Man Is A Man. Race Has Nothing To Do With It

Because we believe that Asian-American men can’t or don’t possess these traits, we undervalue them in comparison to men of other races. Consequently, many Asian-American men also undervalue themselves.

6 Surefire Ways To Seduce A Girl

4. Figure out what time she usually goes to the gym and maneuver your schedule so that you happen to run into her one day as she’s exiting her Pilates class — sweaty hair plastered to the side of her face and eyeliner running down her cheeks, Bride of Frankenstein style.

No Means Nothing

No means nothing even when I whip my head away from yours, and the salt you taste comes only from my brackish cheeks.

Romance In The Airport Security Line

As I unwrapped my scarf and peeled off my boots, placing them in a bin, I happened to look up and catch a glimpse at the person in front of me. He looked familiar. I swore that I had seen him before.