16 Easy Paradoxes About Being A Functioning Alcoholic

The drunk craves profound numbness and shallow enlightenment: he has no history, no future, no God, and no partners, but he has an order of jalapeno poppers on the way, there’s a pretty girl at the other table, and an old favorite he can’t quite remember on the jukebox. His priorities are, shall we say, not in order.

5 Reasons To Start Listening To Podcasts

Although modern technology allows us to put music in our ear holes pretty much 24/7, there are plenty of times (that dreaded morning commute comes to mind) when I’m too busy idly contemplating suicide to deal with the emotional demands of a song.

15 Movies You Need To See In 2014

The only rule: no sequels. After all, you already know about the next Hunger Games installment, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, 22 Jump Street, and the like. But here are 15 enticing films that may not have popped up on your radar yet.

The 4 Kinds Of New Year’s Resolutions, All Of Which Suck

It’s probably worth noting that if your resolution involves giving up the very first thing you plan on doing that year, it might be unsustainable. So you might want to avoid goals like: This year, I will quit getting blackout drunk.