60 Stupidly Simple Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
Dogs can tell when you’re coming home by how much of your scent is left in the house if you have a daily routine.
Dogs can tell when you’re coming home by how much of your scent is left in the house if you have a daily routine.
I have a female cousin who very briefly drove for Uber and she said one large male passenger smelled her hair by leaning into the front seat, called her “little girl” the whole ride and tried to convince her to change the destination from a bar to the middle of the goddamn woods. She no longer drives for Uber.
Would you rather have everyone twice your age and older talk like an adult from Charlie Brown or everyone half your age and younger talk like a minion?
The overly firm handshake is always annoying. I’m not a freak show of strength but I have a good enough grip that I can get them to back off.
My whole family modeled back in the 80s. Somehow my dad ended up in a brochure for some born again church that said he was a sinner and adulterer until he found Jesus.
Throwing a random persay in a sentence. (It’s spelled per se, and you probably don’t know what it means if you can’t spell it properly.)
The Fault in Our Stars. The prose is distracting with its inconsistent tone, the plot has been done to death, and I couldn’t find it in me to like or sympathize with the main characters no matter how hard I tried.
When you are following your GPS and accidentally take a wrong turn in an unfamiliar city and your GPS doesn’t update right away so you keep going the wrong way.
Evil Apples – it’s just a mobile version of Cards against Humanity, and it’s very enjoyable. I genuinely recommend checking it out.
Light non-sexual touching. Light hand on the thigh while riding in the car. Brushing your hand over the small of their back when passing behind. Drawing your fingers over their skin affectionately when sitting together.