What Is Cheating?
Just what defines it?
Just what defines it?
In this day and age, some parents would rather be a friend to their children than a parent.
We all have that friend. The one who has a significant other that you can’t stand.
To you, #WCW stands for World Championship Wrestling.
There are two words in the English language that can lead to a world of forgiveness and absolution. It is a simple statement, one where a person will admit wrongdoing.
It bothers me that people put on a façade. They will be this entirely different person when you’re not around, but the moment you show up they put on a metaphorical mask and embrace their inner thespian.
I hope that one day “religious freedom” isn’t used as an excuse to deny basic human rights to the LGBT community.
In recent years, video game makers have struck gold bringing back classic games for the sake of nostalgia.