The 12 Things You Must Consider Before Kissing Someone
Pretty exciting isn’t it, what with the sweaty palms, the involuntary leg shakes and the desire to abuse anxiety medication?
Pretty exciting isn’t it, what with the sweaty palms, the involuntary leg shakes and the desire to abuse anxiety medication?
Remember to feign interest during this stage of small talk even if it feels like a small part of your soul is being vacuumed through your ears.
Tool of Titans: Why the Quality and Size of your Tools, and Yes, We Are Talking About “Those” Tools Makes All the Difference. Sorry.
Are you old?
Remember to feign interest during this stage of small talk even if it feels like a small part of your soul is being vacuumed through your ears.
Greeting her and welcoming her to “the date” is a potential landmine ready to explosively and preemptively end the whole thing before it even starts.
Each day you log on to check your numbers, to see that overnight, enthusiastic hordes of readers have once again viewed, read, recommended, shared and responded with glowing praise for your work. Everyone loves you.
Pulp Fiction, Nonfiction, and the occasional book of erotic poetry.
Calvin Klein — “Between love and madness lies obsession.”