Stalking My Teenage Crush On OkCupid
This was the boy I’d lusted after for a year and a half, laid bare by his own admissions on a website, so what would he have been like to actually date?
This was the boy I’d lusted after for a year and a half, laid bare by his own admissions on a website, so what would he have been like to actually date?
Shoes are made for walking, so why wear shoes that it hurts to walk in?
12. If I join too many extra-curricular activities, can I quit some without people being weird and resenting me for it?
I am definitely not still mentioning your name in conversation, and then catching myself doing it.
She is the big sister I never had, and she has shaped me more than any other person outside my family.
The problem with house parties full of drunken loved-up 18-year-olds is they seem to be filled with an urge to matchmake everyone.
I honestly can’t imagine ever living in the real world, full of bills and deadlines and social expectations. Maybe that’s what appeals so much about writing.
Your tights are ripped and you’re shaking with tipsy laughter and you realise you’ve been talking for hours. You kiss him, and exchange numbers, and vaguely wonder if it will work out.