4 TV Series That Portray Real Women
Our generation has for the most part been exposed to a very particular angle of the female experience in media and…
Our generation has for the most part been exposed to a very particular angle of the female experience in media and…
My dog has recently given me some reason to worry.
While initially it held promise as the hot new app on the block in the online dating world, in my opinion, Tinder fails on too many accounts to really deliver as the ultimate match-maker.
When men really had it their way, women were in every way subservient to men.
We’ve all been there and regretted it. Don’t message them back. Got it?
News of the Islamic State’s egregious treatment of girls and women in Syria and Iraq has sent waves of horror across the globe. Stories from girls in captured communities, now living in sex servitude, have been leaked to reporters.
Let me explain.
Ultimately a backlash to the media driven “skinny” obsessed culture that became fashionable in the 60’s and that continues to reign over society and govern lives today, fat feminism’s ultimate message is that women can be healthy and happy at any size.
An absurd little skit of 21st Century domestic chaos Dandy and Lion are asleep in bed. Dandy wakes suddenly and sits…
Let me just talk to a human being!