The Recipe For Happiness Is Not Gourmet
Happiness — an element that causes effervescent bubbles of joy to sprout and spread with warm fuzziness and overflow with syrupy delight in the affected individual.
Happiness — an element that causes effervescent bubbles of joy to sprout and spread with warm fuzziness and overflow with syrupy delight in the affected individual.
Angry Reds: A rich color that signifies a mercurial emotional profile, given easily to quicksilver temper, feelings of revenge, judgment and superiority.
Workplaces, apart from being just the places to do your work in, are great observation posts to just view life and the unique personalities that co-exist in a mini-pressure cooker environment.
Are we playing a multi-level, multi-player, interactive game of Snakes and Ladders on a cosmic scale?
To give up something is usually perceived to be a bad thing. But not when it comes to spring-cleaning your life.
Job quitting is very serious business.
I have been guilty of sometimes leaving stuff to do till the last possible millisecond — for example paying bills. To get over this habit I found the following ways to be useful.
The key is to be mentally present for that stroll. If you are walking but your mental gears are still churning over the problem or over someone else’s bad behavior, you will fail to observe your surroundings.