Best Friends Have to Be Supportive. Period.
They’re some of the most treasured people in your life after your family. You’ve been laughingly drunk together, on road trips together and at funerals together. You’ve played video games together, worked out together and spent hours under the hood of a car together. You’ve sworn at each other, yelled at each other and hugged each other. They’re an unparalleled huge part of your everyday life. Best friends are different than just regular friends. It’s hard to explain what that signifying difference is, but you’ll know when and who are your true best friends. And when you do, you’ll love them dearly.
Best friends have to be supportive though; regardless of what decision you plan to act on. You could be in the midst of a career change, looking to take on a new job that may have a steep pay cut but a job you’re extremely passionate about. Maybe you’re seeking advice on which television to buy or whether going to grad school is a legitimate decision. You might think you’re making the right decision and that you know what you’re doing. It is after all, your path. But don’t be opposed to any feedback from your best friends. Even if you don’t agree with whatever words come out of their mouths, listen to their perspectives and opinions.
We have to show the friends we consider family, those loyal companions the respect of taking their advice into consideration. That’s mutual, two-way communication that has to exist in a friendship. You know they’d do the same for you. If you have a truly, meaningful relationship, that best friend will nod and support you in whatever decision you decide to make; regardless of whether they think you’re crazy for doing so. We have to accept each other’s differences, because we rely on each other for that continued compassion and help. If they think ending a strong friendship over butted-heads is the thing to do, then they obviously aren’t your best friends.