Dad, Why Did You Leave So Soon?


Seasons changed,
Skies grew warmer,
The air up here got stronger,
Yet the memories remained the same.

You held my hand ,
You pulled me up,
You made me feel safe,
And I did.

Why did you leave so soon?

I’m back here,
our favorite spot full of flowers,
Your favorite kind;

Yet they seem sad;
Strange? How flowers seem sad?
The only logical reason
they miss you.

I miss you.
Why did you leave so soon?

As I walked up,
The clouds grew darker and heavier.
They poured and poured,
I realized they were crying for you, too.

Even the stones seemed angry
piercing into my naked foot

Blood smears marked my way,
Though, I wouldn’t need them.

Why did you leave so soon?

I’m up here,
Where we sat for hours
Sometimes talking , sometimes in comfortable silence.
The majestic view of the mountain always astounded us,
Don’t you remember?

But now, everything seems so insignificant,
All colors seem so dull;
Only the bright blue sky invited me home.
Home, to you.

I fall to the ground hoping to reach above,
I laugh at the irony;

The descent seemed to take centuries,
The trees seemed to wave goodbye,
I smile

Don’t worry dad,
Your little girl is coming home, to you.
The perfect gift for Father’s day.