477 Descriptive Words That Will Add Spice To Any Sentence


The right descriptive words will take a plain old sentence from mundane to next-level. So don’t be shy about using descriptive words when it feels right. Your beautiful soul deserves to be represented by language that matches it.

1. Accomplished

2. Achiever

3. Active

4. Adaptable

5. Adept

6. Adventurous

7. Affectionate

8. Agile

9. Agreeable

10. Alert

11. Amazing

12. Ambitious

13. Amiable

14. Amusing

15. Analytical

16. Angelic

17. Apathetic

18. Apprehensive

19. Ardent

20. Articulate

21. Artificial

22. Artistic

23. Assertive

24. Attentive

25. Average

26. Awesome

27. Awful

28. Beneficent

29. Big-Hearted

30. Bitter

31. Blunt

32. Boisterous

33. Brave

34. Bright

35. Brilliant

36. Buff

37. Bumpy

38. Buzzing

39. Callous

40. Candid

41. Cantankerous

42. Capable

43. Caustic

44. Cautious

45. Changeable

46. Charming

47. Cheerful

48. Chic

49. Churlish

50. Circumspect

51. Civil

52. Clean

53. Clever

54. Cloudy

55. Clumsy

56. Coherent

57. Cold

58. Collaborative

59. Committed

60. Compassionate

61. Competent

62. Competitive

63. Composed

64. Conceited

65. Condescending

66. Confident

67. Confused

69. Considerate

70. Constructive

71. Content

72. Controversial

73. Cool-headed

74. Cooperative

75. Cordial

76. Courageous

77. Cowardly

78. Crabby

79. Crafty

80. Cranky

81. Crass

82. Creative

83. Critical

84. Cruel

85. Curious

86. Cynical

87. Dainty

88. Decisive

89. Deferential

90. Deft

91. Delicious

92. Delightful

93. Demonic

94. Demure

95. Devoted

97. Diligent

98. Diplomatic

99. Direct

100. Dirty

101. Disagreeable

102. Discerning

103. Discreet

104. Disruptive

105. Distant

106. Distraught

107. Distrustful

108. Dowdy

109. Dramatic

110. Dreary

111. Drowsy

112. Drugged

113. Drunk

114. Dull

115. Dutiful

116. Dynamic

117. Eager

118. Earnest

119. Easy-going

120. Eclectic

121. Efficient

122. Egotistical

123. Elfin

124. Emotional

125. Empathetic

126. Energetic

127. Engaged

128. Enterprising

129. Enthusiastic

130. Entrepreneurial

131. Evasive

132. Even-tempered

133. Exacting

134. Excellent

135. Excitable

136. Experienced

137. Fabulous

138. Facilitator

139. Faint

140. Fastidious

141. Ferocious

142. Fervent

143. Fiery

144. Flabby

145. Flaky

146. Flashy

147. Flexible

148. Flowery

149. Fluffy

150. Focused

151. Forgiving

152. Frank

153. Freezing

154. Fussy

155. Generous

156. Gentle

157. Genuine

158. Gigantic

159. Gloomy

160. Gluttonous

162. Grave

163. Groggy

164. Grouchy

165. Guarded

166. Hateful

167. Hearty

168. Helpful

169. Hesitant

170. Honest

171. Humid

172. Hypercritical

173. Hysterical

174. Idiotic

175. Idle

176. Illogical

177. Imaginative

178. Immature

179. Immodest

180. Impatient

181. Imperturbable

182. Impetuous

183. Impractical

184. Impressionable

185. Impulsive

186. Inactive

187. Incisive

188. Incompetent

189. Inconsiderate

190. Incredible

191. Indefatigable

192. Independent

193. Indiscreet

194. Individual

195. Indolent

196. Industrious

197. Inexperienced

198. Initiator

199. Innovative

200. Insensitive

201. Insightful

202. Inspiring

203. Intellectual

204. Intolerant

205. Intuitive

206. Inventive

207. Irascible

208. Irritable

209. Jocular

210. Jovial

211. Joyous

212. Judgmental

213. Keen

214. Lame

215. Leader

216. Lean

217. Leery

218. Lethargic

219. Level-headed

220. Listless

221. Lithe

222. Lively

223. Long-winded

224. Loud

225. Lovable

226. Lovelorn

227. Lovely

228. Loyal

229. Maternal

230. Mature

231. Mean

232. Meddlesome

233. Mediator

234. Mercurial

235. Methodical

236. Meticulous

237. Mild

238. Miserable

239. Modest

240. Moldy

241. Moronic

242. Morose

243. Motivated

244. Musty

245. Naïve

246. Nasty

247. Nasty

248. Natural

249. Naughty

250. Negative

251. Nervous

252. Noisy

253. Normal

254. Nosy

255. Numb

256. Objective

257. Obliging

258. Obnoxious

259. Observant

260. Old-fashioned

261. One-sided

262. Open-Minded

263. Optimistic

265. Ostentatious

266. Outgoing

267. Outspoken

268. Participatory

269. Particular

270. Passionate

271. Passive

272. Paternal

273. Paternalistic

274. Patient

275. Peaceful

276. Peevish

277. Pensive

278. Perceptive

279. Persevering

280. Persistent

281. Persnickety

282. Petulant

283. Picky

284. Playful

285. Pleasant

286. Plucky

287. Plump

288. Polite

289. Political

290. Popular

291. Positive

292. Practical

293. Precise

294. Prejudiced

295. Pretty

296. Proactive

297. Productive

298. Professional

299. Proficient

300. Proud

301. Provocative

302. Prudent

303. Punctual

304. Quarrelsome

305. Querulous

306. Quick-tempered

307. Quiet

308. Rainy

309. Realistic

310. Reassuring

311. Reclusive

312. Reflective

313. Reliable

314. Reluctant

315. Resentful

316. Reserved

317. Resigned

318. Resourceful

319. Respected

320. Respectful

321. Restless

322. Revered

323. Ridiculous

324. Roar

325. Rough

326. Round

327. Sad

328. Sassy

329. Saucy

330. Sedate

331. Self-assured

332. Self-Aware

333. Self-Disciplined

334. Self-Reliant

335. Sensible

336. Sensitive

337. Sentimental

338. Serene

339. Serious

340. Sharp

341. Short-tempered

342. Shrewd

343. Shy

344. Silly

345. Sincere

346. Skilled

347. Sleepy

348. Slight

349. Slimy

350. Sloppy

351. Slothful

352. Slovenly

353. Slow

354. Small

355. Smart

356. Smooth

357. Snazzy

358. Sneering

359. Snobby

360. Sober

361. Socially Conscious

362. Somber

363. Sophisticated

364. Soulless

365. Sour

366. Spicy

367. Spirited

368. Spontaneous

369. Square

370. Stable

371. Staid

372. Steady

373. Stern

374. Stinky

375. Stoic

376. Striking

377. Strong-Willed

378. Stupid

379. Sturdy

380. Subtle

381. Successful

382. Sulky

383. Sullen

384. Sunny

385. Supercilious

386. Superficial

387. Surly

388. Suspicious

389. Sweet

390. Talented

391. Tart

392. Team player

393. Tenacious

394. Testy

395. Thin

396. Thinking

397. Thoughtful

398. Timid

399. Tiny

400. Tired

401. Tolerant

402. Touchy

403. Traditional

405. Triangle

406. Trustworthy

407. Ugly

408. Unaffected

409. Unbalanced

410. Uncertain

411. Unconventional

412. Uncooperative

413. Undependable

414. Unemotional

415. Unfriendly

416. Unguarded

417. Unhelpful

418. Unimaginative

419. Unique

420. Unmotivated

421. Unpleasant

422. Unpopular

423. Unreliable

424. Unselfish

425. Unsophisticated

426. Unstable

427. Unsure

428. Unthinking

429. Unwilling

430. Upbeat

431. Venal

432. Versatile

433. Vibrant

434. Vigilant

435. Visionary

436. Volcanic

437. Vulnerable

438. Warmhearted

439. Wary

440. Watchful

441. Weak

442. Windy

443. Wise

444. Witty

445. Wonderful

446. Zealous