Discussion: What’s The Most 90s Sentence You Can Think Of?
Today in nostalgia: reddit users are submitting the most 90s sentences they can think of. A few that we liked:
“Coming Soon To Video” – ban_radi0
“Pause the tape guys, I’m getting a page.” – meatflop
“If you love it so much why don’t you marry it!” – JayElric
“I hear gas prices are going to be over two dollars soon.” – eselbe
“Insert cassette two now.” – microhamster
“It’s now safe to turn off your computer.” – aigoo
“No big whoop.” – LiveToSnuggle
“Be kind. Please Rewind.” – luciuspecker
“Buy a house as soon as possible and build some equity. It can only increase in value.” – tap112
What’s the most 90s sentence you can think of?
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