Don’t Be Afraid To Do This Journey Alone
By Tylyn Taylor
I think so many of us are afraid of being alone that we miss out on a huge portion of the journey. We let fear move through our veins as we try and navigate this life, all the while searching for something that we will never find if we don’t learn to let go of the apprehension.
Because fear is just our innate ability to worry, after all, we are just humans. But if you really take the time and energy to look within, you will see that our fears are based solely on something that hasn’t even happened yet.
Finding the courage to know we must sit alone with ourselves to truly discover our complete authenticity is a gift. How can we discover what seeds are planted in our chests, what makes us feel alive if we are always adapting to what those around us need us to be? What they want us to be.
Your authentic self will grow out of those seeds. And you will toil and sow the land and it will take work. Like the earth, you will grow through the seasons. You will change. You will accept. You will bloom. And don’t accept anything less than your true self. Maybe this comes with a change of space, in a new city around different faces, urging you to see the world through fresh eyes. Maybe it comes with a door closing, saying goodbye to people, places, and situations that you are no longer serving. Or that are no longer serving you. This recognition comes with the promise of new beginnings. But we have to be fearless; we have to know that sometimes, the path is lonely.
So how do we combat this fear? Be kind to yourself. Hold yourself accountable. Show up for yourself. Make the time to work. Get in there and grind. Be raw. This will lead to the version of yourself that you have always dreamed of being.
And that version is the one you were meant to show this world. You deserve that. Those around you deserve that. So take the time to dance with the fear. There is no way it burns brighter than the fire in your eyes, and the will to take on this journey. You were made to tell a story. Let it be the one the galaxy wrote for you in the stars. The one begging you to find it in her cosmos.
You owe that much to yourself.