Don’t Read This If You Are Still Upset About Your Almost Relationship Ending
You probably won’t want to hear this right now, since you feel like your world is collapsing down around you, but you are lucky that they left. It is a good thing that they are gone after leading you on for such a long time.
You should be happy that they showed you exactly who they are from the start — unreliable, untruthful, unworthy of you. You should be happy that you didn’t end up dating someone who treated you like shit instead of just texting back and forth with someone who treated you like shit.
You probably won’t want to hear this, since you still stay up nights trying to figure out what you meant to them, but they never liked you. Not enough. Not enough to be your official person. Not enough to take you out on cute diner dates and kiss your forehead and fall asleep holding your hand. Not enough to be the kind of person you deserve.
If they cared about you, then they never would have sent so many mixed signals. They never would have left you wondering how they felt. They never would have gotten your hopes up only to disappoint you over and over again. And they never would have walked away without giving you a real chance.
You probably don’t want to hear this, since you had high hopes that you would end up dating, but they never wanted the same things as you. They enjoyed flirting with you. They enjoyed spending time with you. But they weren’t interested in taking things further.
They already got what they want from you. A confidence boost. A friendship. A few kisses. A way to pass the time. That was more than enough for them.
You probably don’t want to hear this, since you still have the urge to text them from time to time, but they are never going to become more than just a friend. They are never going to get sense knocked into them. No matter how much effort you put into them, they will never decide that they should finally settle down with you.
Don’t overlook the red flags that they have been throwing your way. Don’t forget about all of the times that they hurt you. All of the times that they canceled plans at the last second and ignored your texts for three days straight. You don’t want to be with someone who is comfortable treating you like that. You don’t want to lower your standards for them. They have already gotten enough of your time. Don’t give them a second more.
You probably don’t want to hear this, since there is a part of you still hoping to get together, but you are better off without them. It sounds like a cliche, something that your friends would tell you to make you feel better, but you keep hearing that phrase because it is the truth.
You do not need them. You do not need someone who is unable to recognize your beauty. You do not need someone who foolishly believes you are not enough. You do not need someone like them — and it is time for you to accept that so you can finally move on.