Don’t Worry About The Missing Malaysian Plane, Courtney Love Already Found It


I’m sure like the rest of the world you’ve been obsessed with trying to figure out what happened with the missing Malaysian airplane that has seemingly disappeared. Did it disintegrate in midair? Was it hijacked? Did it crash into the ocean? Don’t worry gang, Courtney Love is on the case! She posted this last night on her Facebook:

My friend Andy Levy sent this over to me and we both knew that this meant one thing; Courtney Love would be starring in True Detective Season 2. How could everyone miss all of these clues sitting right in front of them the whole time? Maybe all it would take for investigators to see the evidence was a sharp eye and a free version of MS Paint. It’s honestly shocking to me that Courtney Love isn’t called in to solve all of our perplexing crimes. Some of the commenters obviously took it as a chance to poke fun at her. “What are the odds thou that it would land right next to a red sign saying plane let alone next to the arrow?” asked Craig Hobson. Seriously, I’ve stared at that picture for twenty minutes and I have no clue what she’s talking about. You gotta love her.