Every Mistake Brought Me You
You have been my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my outlet to vent, my handyman around the house, and quite frankly, one of the most important people in my life. I literally don’t know what I would do without you. I hope that there’s never a day that you question how much I appreciate you, because that goes without question.
I love you and everything you do for me.
You’ve stood by year after year and watched me be with douchebag after douchebag and have kept your mouth shut. You’ve watched in silence, knowing that they weren’t good enough for me and that I deserved better. You stayed quiet until it was time. You stayed quiet until it was that time for me to come crying to you about the scumbag that broke my heart when you knew he would all along. You have been my best friend and stood by when I’ve needed you to. You’ve seen me at my best and at my absolute worse and you’ve still been there.
You’ve stayed.
You’ve stayed in all of the moments when I was too much. You’ve stayed in all of the moments when I just couldn’t learn my lesson the easy way. You’ve stayed even when I didn’t deserve for you too. It took me a while to realize why. It took me too long to realize why you stayed and stuck by my side for so long.
It’s because you love me.
It’s because of this reason that you couldn’t walk away, even when it hurt to stay. It’s because of this reason that it never worked out for you with anyone else. It’s because of this reason that every girl you did try to date couldn’t stand me. It’s because of this reason you couldn’t bring yourself to be intimate with any of them.
You were waiting for me.
You were waiting for me to literally pull my head out of my ass and realize that you would do anything in the world for me. You were waiting for me to realize that you were perfect for me and that what I had wanted had been in front of me this entire time. You were waiting for me to stop making mistake after mistake and just open my heart to you.
And now I’m yours. There’s no questioning that. There’s no question about how I feel and how quickly I’ve begun to feel that way. There’s no question that you’re perfect for me and that you make me beyond happy. There’s no question that you’re the calm to my storm and you balance me in every which way possible. There’s absolutely no question that every single one of my mistakes have brought me closer and closer to you.
Some mistakes are just that. My mistakes saved me. My mistakes brought me you.