For Anyone Whose Brain Wakes Up When The Sun Goes Down
By Jenna Hushka
The sun goes down while my brain is just waking up.
My mind rises from its sleep and decides while the dark is out and people are hush, it’s time to release its suffocated thoughts from a day’s mind-constricting work.
Night thoughts release my inner hopes and secret dreams for the future. Stress, fears, and insecurities fade while confidence and the inability to fail appear in my never-ending imagination that the dark sky brings. I can do anything and be anyone in my night thoughts.
What is it about the night aroma that makes your body calm and mind comfortable to speak its true thoughts?
What is it about the darkness that unveils your truths? Funny how the dark can make you feel so safe.
Night thoughts; nothing else to distract the path of your mind. No one can tell you what to think, what to do, but your own mind, your own conscious, your own thoughts. You are in control of these beautiful alluring echoes in your head.
Night thoughts give the ability to flee your caged day-mind and roam in a world where you can do anything, with no repercussions; a mind full of possibilities. Night thoughts reveal your naked thoughts.
Listen to these thoughts – what are they telling you?
Night thoughts are telling you exactly what you want and need to do tomorrow, and the next day, and possibly even your life.
But in the morning, these thoughts fade away and the light of day brings in the reality of distractions – confusing you, ridding you of your night thoughts out of fear.
Night thoughts are not just for entertainment, they are not just for thinking to appease your imagination to believe you are fulfilled.
Make your thoughts into an action.
You must come out of the dark to see the light.