Happy Girls Cry Too
By Peace Ofure
Because it is human to feel more than just happiness
Because sometimes, you can’t deny the fact that life just is not easy
And that things just do not always go our way
And while that it okay, in the moment, it rarely feels like it is
It usually feels like the worst thing
You can be a happy girl, who cries sometimes
You can be a happy girl, who is mad sometimes
It simply means that you are human
You are a person before you are a happy person
You are affected by the things that happen to you
You are inspired by things that happen around you
Let yourself be more than just fine
Let yourself feel more than just good
Let yourself be a full person
Don’t hide behind “happy”, because then it is anything but
Allow yourself to engage honestly with the world around you
With the world that is within you
Be honest with where you are and what you feel
Happy girls who hide their sad days and their pain from people in their lives and from themselves are not happy girls. They are girls pretending to be happy
Happy girls are honest about what they feel
Honest about who they are and where they are
They are happy because they aren’t burdened with secrets pertaining to their identity
They are happy because they can cry
They can be honest with themselves and those around them when it’s good and when it is not
Happy girls cry because they are human and humans have ups AND downs
But the happy girl is happy because through it all, she is consistent
She is who she is
She lives her full life
Her best one
She is happy because she never stops living the life of her dreams
Even when pursuing those dreams, makes her cry
Even when being here is hard
Her happiness is not pretense
It doesn’t mean that life is perfect
But she appreciates every moment that she has and that she is here
Even in the ones when all she can do is cry